Tag Archives: Wrinkles

Foods That Prevent Wrinkles

Women spend their entire lives chasing the fountain of youth.  Most of us find ourselves chasing it at the cosmetic counters.  We are never going to be able to stop the aging process, but wouldn’t it be nice to slow down those fine lines and wrinkles?  Try opening your fridge.  Many foods contain antioxidants and hydrating components that can help your skin look radiant at any age.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are loaded with Vitamin C, which helps aid in producing collagen.  They also hold lycopene, a critical component in protecting your skin from UV damage.  Eating a daily dose of tomatoes can increase circulation, thus producing a natural glow.

Water – I am not really sure if you can consider water a “food,” however proper hydration is necessary for your skin.   Without proper hydration skin will produce wrinkles and fine lines.

Berries – Raspberries and blueberries are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and probiotics.  Often called a “super food,” berries have also been known to promote skin regeneration.

Yogurt – Another food containing large amounts of probiotics, which are a skin friendly bacteria.  Yogurt will help to prevent/improve redness and irritation, often found in acne, rosacea and dermatitis.

Nuts – Omega-3 rich nuts are great for the skin when eaten in moderation.  Nuts are another food that can help improve irritation and inflammation.  Inflammatory compounds in the skin aid in the aging process, so eating a handful of nuts can lead to beautiful, healthy skin.

Honey – Honey is loading with antioxidants and anti-viral compounds.  Sugar can cause inflammation of the skin.  Even though honey is technically a sugar it does not cause additional inflammation.