Tag Archives: Health Benefits

Going Nuts About Nuts

A nut is technically a hard-shelled dry fruit/seed, but I just think of them as perfect for snacking time. Although nuts are high in fat, eating them in moderation can be wonderful to add to your daily snacking routine. Eating a portion of nuts/seed for a snack can help control your cravings and keep you from over-eating.

  • Almonds – Can help improve skin complexion, lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart. They can also strengthen bones because they are rich in calcium.
  • Cashews – Cashews contain a lower fat content than all other nuts. The magnesium in the cashews can help regulate muscle tone and also help to build strong bones.
  • Chestnuts – The chestnut is the only nut that contains Vitamin C. They also contain higher amounts of fiber than most nuts.
  • Hazelnuts – Hazelnuts are a wonderful source of oleic acid, which can help lower bad cholesterol. They can also aid in strong hair and nail growth, from their high amounts of Vitamin E and B.
  • Peanuts – Incredibly rich in antioxidants, nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Also a rich source of protein to keep you full of energy and rid you of those stubborn afternoon junk cravings.
  • Pecans – Containing more than 19 vitamins and minerals. Just one once of pecans offer 10-12% of your daily perfect of fiber. Pecans are also considered one of the top 15 foods with the highest levels of antioxidants. They can can also aid in lowering high blood pressure.
  • Pistachios – Pistachios are very rich in fiber. In fact, 45 pistachios contains the same amount of fiber as almost ½ a cup of oats.
  • Walnuts – Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can hydrate your skin.
  • Macadamia – Macadamia nuts contain Vitamin A, iron, antioxidants and protein (Not to mention a million other amazing beneficial nutrients).
  • Pine Nuts – Pine Nuts are an excellent source or Vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. Also popular in the preparation of gluten free meals.

Essential Oils 101

Essential Oils Definition: any of a class of volatile oils that give plants their characteristic odors and are used especially in perfumes and flavorings, and for aromatherapy.

Essential oils have been around for centuries upon centuries, but in the last couple months the essential oil craze has been picking up steam again. More than a perfume/fragrance, essential oils are concentrated aromatherapy liquids than have been taken from plants, flowers, trees and nuts. Essential oils are not necessarily cheap, but a lot of preparation that goes into the process of making. However, learning how to properly use essential oils can be beneficial to your mind and body.

Here are a few of my favorite essential oils:

  • Lavender– Can be used for calming, soothing, for boosting the immune system, or as an antiviral.
  • Lemon – Can be used for detoxifying, dry skin prevention and uplifting ones spirit. A little secret, put a couple of drops in your daily water intake for a hint of health and flavor.
  • Peppermint– Can be used as an anti-fungal or an anti-inflammatory. Can also aid in digestion and increased energy levels.
  • Orange– Can be used to decrease stress and increase focus.
  • Grapefruit – Can be used to decrease stress and suppress one appetite.
  • Lime – Can help reduce acne and aid in those who have respiratory issues.

 ** Keep in mind that some essential oils are not safe in certain amounts or can be unsafe used certain ways (i.e. ingested or topical). Carefully read labels and do your research. Also, essential oils that are to be used for health related problems should ONLY be handled by a trained aromatherapist. **