Tag Archives: Beauty Benefits

The Go-To Fruit for Healthy Skin and Hair

Who doesn’t secretly wish for more radiant, beautiful skin and hair? If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the hunt for simpler, more natural ways to be healthier.

As autumn transitions into winter, the cold outdoor air and the warm indoor air work together to strip your hair and skin of their natural moisture, leaving them dry, crinkly and unhealthy. Like thousands of others, I suffered from winter dryness. However, that all changed when I  came across an effective solution to a problem that I had been at the mercy of my entire life! So what’s the fix you ask? It’s as simple as an apple a day, and what better time to talk about apples than fall when the orchards are aplenty and ready for picking!

Whether in fruit, pie, sauce, cider or whatever form you can imagine, the humble and versatile apple can greatly nourish and improve the texture of your skin and hair. Apples are excellent sources of antioxidants and fiber which help to fight the signs of aging, maintain the elasticity of your skin and prevent skin diseases and ailments such as bags under eyes, pimples and acne. Being about 84 percent water, apples also help to keep your skin and locks hydrated throughout the day.

An apple a day helps keep blood circulation flowing freely which assists in the rejuvenation and rebuilding of cells giving hair and skin a healthy glow.

If you’re always on the go and don’t have a minute to breathe between work, taking care of the kids, keeping up the house, and zipping from activity to activity, you owe it to yourself to take a quick five minute break and enjoy an apple. It’ll give you some time to relax and offer great benefits to your hair and skin.

Do you prefer sweet or sour apples? Stop by and let us know in the comments section, as well as leaving any great ways you include this wonderful fruit in your own diet.



Skin Routines In Your 50’s (part 4 of a 4 part series)

In your 50’s you may begin to notice those smile marks no longer disappear after your stop smiling. This is the decade you will see the most dramatic changes to your skin; however that doesn’t mean you need to stop taking care of your skin. It also doesn’t mean you can’t have fabulous looking skin! Moisturizing is going to be more important at 50 than in your 20’s, 30’s or 40’s. Remember to take special care to moisturize your neck. Most forget to take care of the neck area, but it also plays a pivotal part in the appearance of youthful skin. Your 50’s will be the age that sun damage really begins to show, so continue to use antioxidants to help combat previous sun damage. Around this age pores will become more pronounced, so if you have not started an anti-aging routine before your 50’s you may want to consider doing so now. Menopause beginning around your 50’s can cause a 30% reduction in collagen. An anti-aging routine can help rebuild elastin and collagen, restore hydration. Pores will also become clogged by day-to-day environmental factors, so it is crucial to remove your makeup before bed. Choose anti-aging products that contain Vitamin C, peptides and antioxidants. Fabulous at 50 doesn’t just have to be a figure of speech!


Skin Routines In Your 40’s (part 3 of a 4 part series)

As we move into our 40’s, you should know that you still have great skin ahead of you. You just need to learn to take care of your skin differently. Years of sun damage will now show in the forms of blotchiness and redspots. Begin by taking special care of your eyes. By now you have lost collagen and fat under your eyes, which will create crow’s feet. Use eye cream in your morning/night skin routines. For your overall face, use a moisturizer rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants will slow/prevent free radicals. Free radicals will cause oxidation and oxidation is the process that causes oxygen to damage the cells in your skin. Preventing these free radicals means preventing fine lines and wrinkles. The older you get the more sensitive your skin will become. In your 40’s begin taking luke-warm showers versus hot showers. Hot water can actually dry out your skin. Also, try using fragrance free soaps, as these can also dry out your skin. You can continue taking/using Vitamin C in your 40’s, but you can also add a fish oil supplement to support hydration, regulate oil production and prevent adult acne. What worked for your skin two-decades ago is probably not what you should be using in your 40’s, so you will need to make a few adjustments/tweaks to your skincare regimen. If you are not sure what to buy, schedule a visit to a dermatologist. They can advise you on what products you should be using at your age.

And finally…Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! Are you tired of hearing that yet….? Until next time.


Skin Routines In Your 20’s (part 1 of a 4 part series)

As you begin to age, your skin changes. Your skin will begin to get drier and more sensitive over time, thus your skin will need to be taken care of differently as you get older. For the next four posts I plan on breaking down how to properly treat your skin throughout your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s and into your 50’s. Because let’s all face it, all women want to age gracefully.


Your 20’s are all about taking great care of your skin now, and thus preventing fewer problems in the future. A once of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in your 20’s that prevention is going to be sunscreen. Sunscreen will need to be apart of your daily makeup routine throughout your 20’s. BB and CC Creams provide a 30 SPF broad spectrum sunscreen and can be used as a daily make-up base. And if you are going to be outdoors for long periods of time, give that face extra protection by wearing a hat. Your skin will thank you later. Another important skin component to keep in mind in your 20’s is to stick to a skin routine. Once you have a skin care regimen set in place, you can ensure you will have vibrant looking skin for years to come. Adult acne can play a prominent roll in your 20’s, so be sure to purchase a cleanser with salicylic acid and willow bark for fighting those stubborn breakouts. And although fine lines and wrinkles will probably not appear in your 20’s, moisturizing in your early years can help prolong uneven skin tone leading to wrinkles.

People find it hard to change their accustomed behavior, so I can not stress enough to build proper skin care habits in your 20’s. What’s the phrase…”old habits die hard.”

Foods That Prevent Wrinkles

Women spend their entire lives chasing the fountain of youth.  Most of us find ourselves chasing it at the cosmetic counters.  We are never going to be able to stop the aging process, but wouldn’t it be nice to slow down those fine lines and wrinkles?  Try opening your fridge.  Many foods contain antioxidants and hydrating components that can help your skin look radiant at any age.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are loaded with Vitamin C, which helps aid in producing collagen.  They also hold lycopene, a critical component in protecting your skin from UV damage.  Eating a daily dose of tomatoes can increase circulation, thus producing a natural glow.

Water – I am not really sure if you can consider water a “food,” however proper hydration is necessary for your skin.   Without proper hydration skin will produce wrinkles and fine lines.

Berries – Raspberries and blueberries are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and probiotics.  Often called a “super food,” berries have also been known to promote skin regeneration.

Yogurt – Another food containing large amounts of probiotics, which are a skin friendly bacteria.  Yogurt will help to prevent/improve redness and irritation, often found in acne, rosacea and dermatitis.

Nuts – Omega-3 rich nuts are great for the skin when eaten in moderation.  Nuts are another food that can help improve irritation and inflammation.  Inflammatory compounds in the skin aid in the aging process, so eating a handful of nuts can lead to beautiful, healthy skin.

Honey – Honey is loading with antioxidants and anti-viral compounds.  Sugar can cause inflammation of the skin.  Even though honey is technically a sugar it does not cause additional inflammation.

Teas For Healthier Skin & Hair

There is nothing more relaxing than drinking a hot cup of tea after a long day.  The benefits to drinking a cup of tea are numerous.  Not only are you hydrating your body inside and out, many teas contain amazing healing properties for your skin and hair.

Green tea – Probably the most well know tea used for healthy skin and hair.  This tea is rich in antioxidants and usually used as a healthy substitute to coffee and caffeinated beverages.  Green tea can also be used for a cleanser, toner, face mask and hair care. 

Chamomile tea – Made from the chamomile flower, chamomile tea is known for its amazing healing power.  This tea is said to accelerate the healing of minor cuts, bruises and scrapes.  It has also been used as a skin bleach, which provides your face with a healthy, natural glow.  Like green tea, chamomile tea is loaded with antioxidants and can also be used to diminish acne breakouts.

Oolong tea – This traditional Chinese tea has been said to hold anti-aging benefits.   This tea promotes healthy, shiny hair and can prevent hair loss.  Also to be noted, Oolong tea has said to be associated in alleviating stress and mood swings, and promoting healthy bone development. 

Peppermint tea – This caffeine free tea can help those who experience frequent skin irritations.  It can also help to diminish bug bites, rashes and burns.  The menthol in peppermint tea also helps heal those prone to acne and oily skin.  Peppermint tea has also been used to help stimulate/promote hair growth.  Peppermint soothes the blood vessels at your scalp, which then boosts blood flow at the roots.

There are hundreds of teas on the supermarket shelves for purchase and each tea holds its own special benefits.  Just remember that many teas contain caffeine, so it always wise to exercise caution in how much is consumed. 

Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

From disease and sickness prevention, to skin care and beauty, there are hundreds of ways to benefit from coconut oil.  This super food has been used throughout the ages for its healing and nutrient rich properties.  Today I am going to list four ways to use coconut in your daily beauty routine.

1. The hair mask – Are you struggling with dry and damaged hair?  Try putting coconut oil on the tips on your hair 30-60 minutes before your shower.  Do this two-three times a week and you will notice softer and more manageable tresses.

2. Makeup remover – Instead of using harsh makeup remove towelettes, try using coconut oil to remove that stubborn eye makeup.  You will be surprised at home much easier your makeup comes off.  However, if you tend to have skin prone to breakouts be sure to use a cleanser after removing your makeup.

3. Lotion and body oil – Use coconut oil straight out of the shower on your body.  It helps to keep your skin soft for prolonged periods of time and it smells great.

4. Shaving cream – Traditional shaving creams tend to leave skin dry and irritable. However, using coconut oil in your shaving ritual leaves your legs feeling smooth and can help prevent razor burn.

If you do plan on taking up coconut oil as a regular part of your beauty routine, make sure you are buying organic extra-virgin coconut oil that is cold pressed and unrefined.